Charlie is our dog; a fantastic rescue dog we have had nearly 3 years now. He is a boxer, and is the best of all the dogs I have ever owned. He has the best temperament, and the most brilliant personality. He truly is one of the family and we count ourselves very lucky to have got him.
Now, today was stressy! Charlie had this funny growth from his gum over his canine teeth; just skin but the vet suggested it needed removing. In fact he had two, one on each side of his mouth. So, early this morning we took him to the surgery and left him for the operation. i have to say we both worried all day till they told us he was OK and we could come and get him.
So we went to collect him and bring him home: and while they said he had come round ok, he was still very wobbly, and couldn't stand properly and his tongue was all hanging out of the side of his mouth. Poor thing, he flopped onto the sofa and stayed there most of the evening, and has now gone up to his bed, which is by our bed and seems to have settled in there quite well. He couldn't walk up the stairs so i had to help him but with any luck he will be better tomorrow and back to his usual bouncy self.